This is the history of the second preview event for Spiral Knights.
About The Second Event
The game was a large success for those that were able to experience it. This new and inventive style of gameplay made an online experience like no other. Although the game was enjoyable and very well built, the online users remained somewhat low as Spiral Knights undoubtedly wanted to keep a low profile.
The End
Late in the night on November 15th 2009 Spiral Knights stated on the Adventure Board menu that the testing period for Spiral Knights had ended. This created a small wave of panic amongst players who had previously believed that the game had finished its testing in the initial beta-testing period.
Players became worried that they would lose items, nicknames, and character features that they had worked so hard to gain. Later confirmation from Administators revealed that these fears were true. The only data that would remain through the revisions that Spiral Knight would do would be the players login name. Needless to say users received this with some shock and negativity.
It was originally stated by the Administrators of Spiral Knight that the game would close 'early in the morning' on November 16th. However all throughout the day no signs of ending occurred. Players were seen logging in and using Spiral Knights and it was believed that the site might be left open in its beta while the developers continued to work on the site. However at around 7:54 PM (EST) admins posted in the chat log that the servers would be shutting down within 5 minutes. As players began to exit games on the Adventure Boards they were greeted by several Snipes in their bird armor standing below the pool in Haven. At approximately 7:59 (EST) November 16, 2009 the servers rebooted and the game became inaccessible until January 13th, 2009. The next preview's events are detailed in the Third Preview.